Study Methods – Kinetic Learners

So far in our series looking at different learning methods, we have looked at both visual and audible learners. This month we will be taking a closer look and discussing the best study methods for kinetic learners.

As the word ‘kinetic’ suggests, this type of learner processes information by movement. They find it easier to learn and remember things when they are physically engaged and actively participating in what they are learning. You may think a legal qualification like a Legal Secretaries Diploma, which is traditionally considered a ‘book-based’ subject, would be difficult for people who need to be more active and practical in their learning style. However, you will see that there are some great ways to adapt your study practices to make yourself more active even when you’re studying from written course materials.

Find the best environment for you

Just like visual and audible learners, kinetic learners have a particular type of environment that will help them study well. Unlike visual and audible learners, this environment will not necessarily be a quiet, calm place where you can sit down and focus. As a kinetic learner, you will probably need room to move around, privacy to speak aloud and even possibly listen to music. Depending on the individual, listening to music while studying is a benefit rather than a distraction. For kinetic learners, having music on creates a busier atmosphere and helps their brain feel more active.

You may find that you don’t have one designated study space at all. Putting sticky notes up around your house allows you to move around and study as you go. Brushing your teeth or making a cup of tea while reading sticky note facts gives you that practical movement and association that your learning style needs.

Make studying itself an activity

Kinetic learners on the whole find it difficult to read for long periods, and don’t necessarily have a long attention span. Therefore, if you are studying a topic that requires a lot of reading, you will need to create ways to turn the information you have into something that will hold your attention and interest. Flashcards are excellent for this. They summarise the information by reducing the amount of reading and giving you something practical to hold, turn over, and match up, etc.

Turning your study into a game is also a great tool. You could, for example, create mind maps, cut them up and then put them back together. You could draw pictures to help you create examples. Alternatively, you could study while doing a different activity. Record your notes and listen to them as you walk or go to the gym, for example. Even just walking around your room as you study will be beneficial for you.

Study with others

Discussion is a great tool for kinetic learners because speaking aloud is a practical activity in itself. Group study and discussion, where you are encouraged to explain and expand on things to other people, really brings a topic to life.

If you do not have other students to study with (like those of you studying for our Diploma via distance learning), then why not find a friend or family member who you can ‘teach’ the topic to you instead.

Take regular breaks

As we said previously, a general trait of kinetic learners is that they have a shorter attention span. Thus it is very important that you organise your study time so that you have plenty of breaks. Use your breaks to go outside, do something different or just relax, so that you can go back to your studies refreshed. The important thing is to be disciplined and organised.

ILSPA’s Legal Secretaries Diploma(link is external) provides all the course material our students need online and in printable PDF documents. If you are a kinetic learner, we hope that the above advice will help you create a study plan that allows you to use the printable materials in a way that suits your learning style.

Please remember that many people will not fall into one set learning style; they may be a combination of more than one style. If you feel unsure about what type of learner you are, we would recommend experimenting with the different advice we have given for each style to see what study methods you find easiest and most productive.