Patience Is a Virtue

Do you feel frustrated or discouraged whilst waiting for something you want, such as a promotion, a new job or a new qualification?

Many people may find that their patience is being tested at the moment due to the recession. You may not be receiving the promotion you had hoped for, or perhaps finding a new job is turning out to be harder than you expected. Studying may be more difficult if you are stressed about your finances. The recession requires patience from everyone, however, remember that we are all in this together.

Recently at a White House press conference, Barack Obama explained, ‘We’ll recover from this recession, but it will take time, it will take patience and it will take an understanding that when we all work together, when each of us looks beyond our own short-term interest to the wider set of obligations we have towards each other, that’s when we succeed. That’s when we prosper. And that’s what is needed right now’.

The key is to embrace this time of waiting. If we look back through our lives, we may see that the times we’ve spent waiting have been some of the most insightful times. It is during these times that we can get to know ourselves better and connect to a strength of character that we had not known existed. We can use this strength to help not only ourselves but also those around us.

Although waiting can be a frustrating feeling, it can help you to prepare for the next stage in your life. You can use this time wisely to strengthen your knowledge or skills, and you can ease any discomfort by writing in your journal or investing in your emotional or physical health.

Being patient during this time will help you to become a strong, rational and confident person. It may just help you to be ready for whatever lies ahead.