Make a Good Impression and Have a Successful Career

Good ImpressionWhether you have secured a new job or have been working at the same company for some time, understanding how you can make a good impression will be of great benefit to you.  Your new position could be the start of a fantastic new career, or if you have been feeling unenthusiastic in your current role, you still have the chance to change your perspective and impress your employers.  Your role affects the success of the company, so take the time to think about your contribution.

Information Resources

There are many aspects of your role that you need to learn about, so it is worth doing as much research as possible.  Start by visiting the company’s website to find out about its history, aims and structure.  The site may have details on key members of staff so you can learn who your colleagues and superiors are.  Read any marketing material that the company distributes to get a feel for its image and what image it likes to project.  Make notes on what you have learnt so far and get a good overall picture of what your role involves.


You impressed your employers in your interview but it is important that you are able to follow through.  Self-esteem is vital in making a good impression, because if you believe in yourself and your personal worth, then others will too.  Self-esteem means:

  • Having a positive attitude
  • Being good natured
  • Being self-aware
  • Valuing yourself highly with modesty
  • Comparing yourself favourably with others
  • Being convinced of your own abilities
  • Dealing with criticism in a constructive way
  • Forgetting your failures and remembering your successes


Employers are looking for people who can use their initiative, resolve problems with ease and communicate clearly.  Try stepping out of your comfort zone and embrace new challenges.  If you are in doubt about anything, do not be afraid to ask, but make sure that you have thoroughly thought about it first.  If you are assertive and show that you can work from your own initiative, you will go far.


Keep a notepad or planner with you so that you can jot down anything important which needs to be remembered.  There is nothing more frustrating for an employer than having to repeat something again and again, so make sure that you listen at all times.  Online programmes are useful for making personal notes and keeping track of tasks which need to be completed by certain deadlines.

Personal Goals

Think about what you would like to achieve in the company and aim high.  It is important to have an understanding of your own personal goals in order for you to be successful.  Write down the areas of your job you are most excited about and what projects are ahead.  Spend time envisaging what it would be like to have achieved success in these areas and where you could go from there.


If you make a good impression you will find your work satisfying and rewarding.  You will know that you have put 100 per cent into your job, and you will reap the benefits accordingly.  Make the most of the opportunities that come your way and you are guaranteed to have a successful career.