ILSPA Profile – Laura Jenkinson, Administrator

Laura Jenkinson has been working for ILSPA as an Administrator since the beginning of the year.  She is a great asset of the team, being very dedicated to her work.

Laura has answered some questions about her background and told us about her experience with ILSPA so far:

What attracted you to work for ILSPA?

I have always been interested in education and was drawn to the fact that ILSPA were really helping people to improve their professional prospects through the courses and Membership benefits which they provide. I felt that combined with my existing administrative skills, the role would be a rewarding step forward in my career, so I was over the moon when I was asked to interview. I then had the opportunity to meet the team here, and I knew there and then that this was the perfect fit for me. I have no formal experience of working within law, however when I was asked to sit as a juror last year, it was my first real experience of the legal world, and despite not being required to sit on a case, I found the process fascinating. 

What experience or qualifications do you have which made you suitable for the role?

I have over six years of experience working in administration, having worked in a variety of sectors and organisations. Prior to my role here, I was a self-employed Administrator, working with a number of small businesses, and I very much enjoyed the variety which that entailed. That is one of the things which I also love about my role here – the variety which is involved; one minute I will be providing customer service and the next I will be proofreading a journal article. In addition to my professional experience, I have both an undergraduate degree in English literature and a master’s degree in writing, which I am lucky to be able to utilise here. 

What does your daily work involve?

My responsibilities at ILSPA include responding to queries received from our Students, Members and those enquiring about our courses or Membership. I also process ILSPA’s enrolments and Membership applications. It’s also my responsibility to process and track any coursework submissions, passing these to our course assessor for marking. I also spend time each day on our social media, aiming to find and provide our Students and Members with useful articles and advice to help them advance their careers. More recently, I have also been helping with CV advice, which I am very much enjoying.

What’s your favourite part of your role?

I absolutely love talking with our Members and Students on the phone and preparing the certificates on the completion of Students’ courses. We receive some amazing feedback from Students who have completed the course and gained their perfect role, and for me, having that direct link to someone’s progress is one of the most rewarding aspects of my role at ILSPA.

Tell us about your experience at ILSPA so far.

I absolutely love working for ILSPA; it’s so rewarding to work for an organisation that really cares about its Students, Members and staff and really tries to ascertain and fulfil the requirements of each. I have felt as though I have been welcomed from day one and very much feel part of a dedicated and happy team, who all love and take pride in what they do. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

When I’m not at work, I very simply love to spend time with my husband, family and friends. I feel very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of England (even if it does rain a fair amount of the time) and especially enjoy heading to the coast or Dartmoor for a walk or swim.