Best Transferable Skills for Legal Secretaries

Transferrable skills (2).jpgDeciding to embark on a career as a Legal Secretary can be a very exciting process, filled with myriad emotions. Alongside undeniable enthusiasm, it is perfectly normal to feel slight trepidation when writing out your first CV and coming to the conclusion that you have no experience in the position you are hoping to land. What a lot of people don’t realise is that their career history is likely to hold a wealth of transferable skills which can be applied directly to their new role, even if the two professions seem completely unrelated. It is vital when writing your CV that you are able to accurately identify and link previous experience to the position in hand by pinpointing the skills you possess that are relevant and transferable.

Legal Secretary Vacancies October 2018

Vacancies.jpgHere is a selection of vacancies from our Legal Secretary Jobs Board(link is external) this month:

Legal Secretary – Gillhams Solicitors LLP   

Location: Golders Green, London

Salary: £18,000 - £20,000

Gillhams Solicitors LLP is looking for a full time Legal Secretary to join their busy team in Golders Green, London. The role will cover everything from welcoming guests and manging administration to assisting Solicitors by reading and researching topics.   

View the full job description here: is external)

Crown Court Department Clerk – Jazz Personnel 

Developing Legal Writing Skills

Legal Writing.jpgOne of the fundamental skills for every lawyer is writing well. As a Legal Secretary studying one of our Advanced Single Subject Legal courses(link is external) or performing Paralegal duties within your firm, this is a skill you also need to have. This month we will consider some top tips, strategies and techniques that may help you be a better legal writer.

Five ways that will help you improve your writing skills are as follows:

Know your audience

An Interview with Karen Chirnside – Legal Assistant/PA at Roche Legal

Karen Chirnside_0.jpgKaren is a highly accomplished Legal Secretary/PA with over 32 years’ experience in the legal profession. She has been a Member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs(link is external) since 2009 and was awarded the status of Lifelong Fellow of the Institute in 2016. Karen currently works as a Legal Assistant/PA for Roche Legal, an acclaimed boutique firm of private client solicitors based in York.

We recently spoke to Karen about her career, current position and what advice she would give to other Legal Secretaries just starting out in the field.

What does your role involve at Roche Legal?

How to be Assertive Without Being Dominating

Being Assertive.jpgNavigating social etiquette whilst trying to get ahead in business can be a minefield. One of the main concerns for an individual trying to make it in their field can be the desire to assert themselves professionally without seeming aggressive. Many of us find it difficult to express ourselves confidently without becoming overwhelmed by emotion or thinking we are overstepping the line. Whether it comes to applying for a new job, aspiring towards a promotion or pay rise, resolving conflict within the workplace, or pushing ideas forward in a team, learning how to communicate in an assertive manner can provide you with considerable benefits.

How Temping Can Help Your Career as a Legal Secretary

Temping.jpgWorking as a temporary Legal Secretary can be a fantastic way of gaining new skills, experiences and exposure to different environments, helping shape your future career. We recently caught up with Georgia Montague, who is currently working as a temporary Legal Secretary via Ambition, to gain an insight into why she chose to take on temporary roles and how this has helped her career so far.

Tell me about your career to date, Georgia.

After completing my CILEX course at college, I worked in a small local law firm supporting a Licensed Conveyancer and a Partner. This was a fantastic experience and a really busy role; however, I always wanted to try a career in the city. When I was made redundant it felt like the perfect opportunity to make that move.

10 Steps to the Perfect Job

10 Steps to the Perfect Job.jpgLooking for a new job can be daunting, especially in an area with a high amount of competition such as the law. It can sometimes feel impossible to know where to start. In situations like this it is beneficial to think of the job search as a process to follow. Simply Law Jobs(link is external) has used their expertise to break the job search down into 10 steps that all job seekers can follow to make the process more manageable. Follow these top tips, and you’ll be well on your way to that perfect job.

1. Check through your CV

Inspirational Women in Law

Inspirational Women.jpgThis year marks the 100th anniversary of women gaining the vote in the UK. A year after this was granted, the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act was passed, and women could become qualified lawyers for the first time. To celebrate the progress made in women’s rights, we’ll be taking a look at five inspirational women who have made their mark in the legal industry over the past century.

Gwyneth Bebb

1889 – 1921


ILSPA’s New Blog

blog.jpgWe are delighted to announce that we have a new blog(link is external) on our main website. Every week we will be sharing our news, views and suggestions with you so that you can keep up to date with us on a regular basis.

Through our blog, we can express ourselves in a more informal way than our journal. We will be making recommendations to advance your skills and encouraging professional development, as always! You will be able to see what discounts are currently available to you through ILSPA(link is external), whilst learning about other companies which can help you with your career.

Advice for New Legal Secretaries and PAs

Advice.jpgHave you ever wondered how experienced Legal Secretaries and PAs began working in the profession? Have you ever wondered what Legal Secretaries enjoy about their role on a day-to-day basis? Or which skills are really worth their weight in gold?

As the professional body for Legal Secretaries and PAs, ILSPA(link is external) has the privilege of working with people at all different stages of their legal secretarial career. From those still training, or looking for their first position, right through to expert Legal Secretaries and PAs with years of experience behind them. ILSPA chatted with some of these experienced professionals and asked them what wisdom they would like to share with newer Legal Secretaries.

How did you come to work in the legal profession?