Family Law – Children’s Interests to Be Given First Priority

Family LawDuring the Queen’s Speech of May 2012, an announcement was made regarding a new bill of law that is aimed at improving the lives of children and families. The bill seeks to implement plans that will permit parents to share parental leave, enabling the father to also take time off during a maternity leave, for example. The bill also proposes to make the process of adoption easier for international families. Along with these changes more options are to be made available for children who have special educational needs. And finally the bill seeks to improve the level of access fathers have to their children after a divorce.

A Lawyer’s Interesting and Embarrassing Experiences – Part 2

Last month, I promised to tell you about my ‘run-in’ with His Honour Judge Claude Duveen of Slough County Court. This happened in the mid-1970s whilst I was with Campbell Hooper & Austin Wright at their Sunningdale/Ascot branch office – a very upmarket firm with some famous clients, such as Diana Dors, England’s answer to Marilyn Monroe. In fact, Ms. Dors was the English equivalent of all the blonde bombshells of Hollywood. She described herself as “the only sex symbol Britain has produced since Lady Godiva”!

Relaxation Exercise – The Inner Smile

It’s essential to take the time to relax – to take a break from other things: work, home, other people. It is vital to maintain ourselves and our health, both physically and mentally. We really need to give priority to the time to relax regularly in order to recharge the batteries. Things can take on a fresh perspective when we make this time for ourselves; we can become more resilient and calmer all round.

This is a busy time of year, and this is the first in a series of articles about different types of relaxation exercises to help you through stressful periods. Different methods of relaxation suit different people, and it’s good to try out various methods to see which ones give you the most benefit – and then, ideally, to build them into a routine part of your daily life.

Strictly the Best! Angela Dyos Wins Legal PA of the Year Award

angela-dyosIn front of an enthusiastic crowd of more than 200 attending the first national awards ceremony dedicated to legal services support staff, Angela Dyos from Clifford Chance was named 2012 Legal PA of the Year.

Angela, still a little dazed after receiving her award, said; I can't believe I have won. I have never done anything like this before. It has taken me out my comfort zone, as I have been with the same company for 18 years. It has been so rewarding.

The awards ceremony, organised by recruitment specialists Strictly Legal, took place at McQueen in London on Wednesday 14 November. Representatives from more than 30 law firms were eager to discover who, from the hundreds of entries received from across the UK, had won awards in the four categories.

Should Prisoners Have the Right to Vote?

A topic that has been in the news a lot recently is the question of whether prisoners should be allowed to vote in the UK. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that preventing prisoners from voting essentially denies them their human rights and is therefore against the law. In our society, there is a variety of opinions on this matter, and while Prime Minister David Cameron is vehemently opposed to the idea, Parliament is set to debate this question and make a ruling. 

So, what is the answer to this question? Should all prisoners have a blanket right to vote, or should everyone in prison be equally denied the opportunity to vote? Or is there another solution, whereby the right to vote is dependent on the nature of the prison sentence, with certain prisoners – depending on their crime and sentence – given the right to vote? 

Legal PA of the Year Awards 2012

On Wednesday 14 November, ILSPA co-sponsored and attended the Legal PA of the Year Awards 2012, which was hosted by Strictly Legal – a globally operating recruitment agency based in London. The awards ceremony took place at McQueen in Shoreditch, which won an award itself for being London’s best bar in 2010. Representatives from more than 30 law firms attended the event, and there was a wonderful array of legal professionals eagerly anticipating who, from hundreds of entries across the UK, had won the awards.

The awards comprised of four categories – Legal PA of the Year, Up and Coming Legal PA of the Year, Secretarial/PA Manager of the Year and Document Production Operator of the Year. The atmosphere as the finalists and winners were announced by Paul Kelly, Director at Strictly Legal, was exciting and fun.  

Keeping Up to Date with Changes in Law

Education does not lie outside society. One can learn from life experiences, whether you are learning physics, mathematics, music, art, the social sciences, law or any other subject. We live in a time when information is more accessible than ever before, and using this to your advantage is an important and useful study skill. 

When it comes to law, current affairs, news and social trends can be an extremely useful source of learning about the subject. You can learn a lot about current trends in legal practice simply by keeping your finger on the pulse of society and following news stories via different media sources. This can not only be a useful learning tool, but will enhance your Legal Secretary career. 

Don’t Get Mad – Get eDiscovery!

 “King’s letters could be musings of a mad man” read the headline in Monday’s Metro (19 November 2012). 

What followed was a story describing how scientists at the University of London will attempt to analyse the letters of King George III using technology to look for patterns of words that might give some indication as to his state of mind at the time of writing. The idea of looking for relationships between words struck me as a familiar one.

Changes Coming to the Will Writing and Probate Market

 “Making a will is something everyone should do. It is one of the most important actions that individuals take. We should be able to have confidence in those who advise and draft documents for us.” This advice came earlier this year from Mr David Edmonds, Chairman of the Legal Services Board (LSB). The LSB is the new ‘super regulator’ for all lawyers in England and Wales, including Solicitors,  so when its Chairman speaks, those in legal practice should listen.