ILSPA's Single Subject Advanced Courses

If you’re looking for a way to advance your skills and progress your career, you might consider taking one of our Single Subject Legal Advanced courses. These courses are designed for Students and Members who want to learn more about specific legal areas, enabling them to specialise in certain fields, gain new jobs, or earn promotions with a current employer. These courses are available for you to work on at your own pace, and you can start at any time of the year.

Course Level

Our advanced-level courses provide an in-depth understanding of specific areas of law, helping you not only master the subject but also gain paralegal skills that may help you advance your overall career. Upon passing an advanced-level course, you will receive a Diploma Certificate.

Course Subjects

5 Apps That Make Your Working Day Easier

Smartphones and tablets have already revolutionized our lives – allowing us to shop on the go, apply for jobs, take and send photos and video clips, email from the beach, and instantly access maps as and when we need them.

A recent British survey found that we spend roughly 23 days a year looking at our phones. They really are a part of our lives, so it makes sense to try to use them to improve our productivity – rather than letting them hold us back from getting things done.

New apps are being developed all the time, and many of them can be used to make everyday life more manageable. Here are a few that could make your working day run more smoothly:

What Is the Magic Circle?

Whereas “the Magic Circle” may not be the official name of the group of UK law firms that the term denotes, there is definitely some magic surrounding the firms. The Magic Circle are a group of five firms that are considered to be the leading law firms in the UK. All five are headquartered within the UK itself with offices around the world. Although some of the firms traditionally rank among the top earners in the world each year, all of them command the respect of clients around the world.

Here are the five members of the Magic Circle, as well as some information on what makes each one so special.

Allen & Overy

The 7 CV Errors You Cannot Afford to Make

You’ve found a job sent from the employment gods. You’re perfect, the company is perfect and the interview will be only a formality.

Before you apply and change your life forever, there is one vital thing to remember.

The CV.

Have you fallen foul of the classic CV mistakes that hundreds of thousands of job seekers make when applying for jobs? Well, with our guidance, you’re guaranteed to avoid the dreaded “no pile” and get that interview.

1.    Spellcheck

Despite the obvious problems it presents, you wouldn’t believe the number of CVs that have grammatical errors and typos in them when sent to prospective employers. If your CV has spelling errors, it WILL be binned, no question.

In the eyes of the employer, if your attention to detail is poor enough to allow typos, what does that say about you as a person and a worker?

Salaries for Legal Secretaries in London

Legal Secretaries have an important role in a legal office, providing administrative support to the Lawyers of the firm, and they are a vital part of the cooperative efforts of legal teams. Legal Secretaries need to have not only significant administrative and organisational skills, but also need familiarity with legal procedures and the law in general. Of course, the more specialised training a Legal Secretary has, the more valuable he or she is to the firm.

Gain Valuable Paralegal Skills to Advance Your Career

Paralegals play an important part in the legal profession, helping Lawyers with cases, research and paperwork. While the Lawyer that a Paralegal works for is ultimately responsible for the work that is done, most Lawyers rely heavily on the services that Paralegals provide. Because paralegal work is so demanding, additional training can be useful in helping Paralegals develop new skills and advance their careers. Although there are a variety of options available to get this training, choosing the AH Paralegal Practical Skills Course can help existing Paralegals, and those wishing to become Paralegals, develop needed skills without undertaking months’ worth of study in addition to their regular work.

Who Is the Course Suitable For?

Family Law Reforms - Matrimonial Property and Prenuptial Agreements

The Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs recently introduced a new Family Law unit to its Legal Secretaries Diploma course. This month we are considering possible changes to the law relating to marital property and prenuptial agreements. 

A prenuptial agreement is the term commonly used to describe a range of different agreements. These agreements are designed to set forth how property and finances will be dealt with if a married couple separate. A prenuptial agreement is one entered into before a marriage. A postnuptial or separation agreement is one entered into after marriage. 

Changes to the Rules of Intestacy

An article was last published in this Journal about the law of intestacy in 2009. There had been a Law Commission paper published on the 29th October 2009 with a number of proposals that might be formed into a new bill. Well, nearly five years later that proposed bill has been made into an Act of Parliament as the Inheritance and Trustees’ Powers Act 2014, receiving royal assent on the 14th May. The commencement date for the Act is the 1st October. So what has changed?

Key changes include simplifying how assets are shared when someone dies intestate and recognising more modern family structures (i.e. the fact that many in today’s society choose to cohabit rather than marry). 

The Intestacy Rule Changes 

5 Reasons to Use a Niche Job Board for Law

Finding and securing a job can be a protracted, often frustrating activity, but there are ways to streamline your search for the perfect law role, cutting out time and stress as you go. A massive trend in recent years has been the growth of highly targeted, specialist job boards, covering just about every career sector under the sun – from law to automotive to aviation to sales to travel sector jobs, to name just a few.

Why Interpersonal and Communication Skills Are Vital for Legal Secretaries

Legal Secretaries have to deal with a wide range of correspondence throughout the day. They not only interact with peers and colleagues on a daily basis, but also must effectively communicate with lawyers and other legal professionals regularly. This includes not only face-to-face communication, but also phone calls, email, written correspondence, and in some cases teleconferencing or other live video. Because of this, solid interpersonal and communication skills are a necessity when working in the legal field.

People Skills