Legal Secretary Vacancies March 2017

Here is a selection of vacancies from our Legal Secretary Jobs Board this month:

Legal PA – Litigation – Owen Reed
Location: London
Salary: Up to £37,500

Owen Reed is looking for a Legal PA for a Law firm based in London. The successful candidate must have two years' previous experience in a law firm, an accurate typing speed of at least 60 words per minute, knowledge of Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, research tools and other systems. You are also required to have excellent customer service skills and telephone manner, excellent communication, organisational and team skills as well as excellent attention to detail.

The Future of Digital Conveyancing

Modern technology has simplified many aspects of our lives, both personally and commercially. It has been possible to shop or take out contracts and arrange finance electronically for some years now. However, the conveyancing industry has been slow to adapt to, or to adopt, the new technologies available. 

Much of the house-buying process is still conducted manually, with the process usually taking at least two months to complete. While there are companies that do carry out conveyancing online, the paperwork still requires a wet signature, which slows the process as well as carrying a risk of paperwork being lost in the post.

Agile Working in the Legal Profession

Agile working is becoming more and more popular in many sectors, including the legal profession. But what is it, and how could you and your firm benefit?

What is agile working?

Agile working is a form of flexible working, which allows people to work at times and in places to suit their individual needs as long as they meet defined goals. While traditional flexible working is seen as a benefit solely to the employee, agile working has been shown to be beneficial to both the employee and the employer.

How does it work?

Through making best use of modern technology, employees are able to perform their work duties from any location. When remote access to company databases and servers is enabled, employees are able to access all the information they need to complete their work wherever they are, and share it with their employer. 

From Secretary to Partner to OBE!

This New Year’s honours list brought with it an inspiring and encouraging tale for our Members and for all those starting out in the legal field. Janet Cooper, partner and co-founder of the Yorkshire-based niche law firm Tapestry Compliance LLP, who began her career as a secretary before graduating in law, has been appointed Officer of the British Empire (OBE). Her services to gender equality, women’s empowerment and employee share ownership have gained her overwhelming recognition within her field, elevating her to be regarded amongst Britain’s most invaluable members of society.

Family Practice – Settling Finances in Divorce Guide

This month we are focusing on a survival guide for how couples can reach a financial settlement on their own when divorcing or ending a civil partnership. We will highlight key principles that should be considered and how the courts reach their decisions if a court order is needed. 

Overview of the law

When financial orders are made by the court, normally the spouses’ financial needs and the needs of any children of the family are the main focus of the case. When the assets involved in a case are more than enough to cover needs, then additional considerations may apply, such as what assets were brought into the marriage or the parties’ behaviour.

Making an agreement without going to court

A Guide to Effective Communication

Good communication skills are a key part of being successful. Being able to effectively communicate as an individual or in a team will help you to generate good relationships between individuals, better understand objectives and resolve problems more easily. We are all capable of communicating effectively and use a range of different skills to achieve this every day. 

Different types of communication

Communication is about sending and receiving messages. You might do this using speech, text and body language. To receive communication, you not only have to be a good listener, but you should also use your other senses to understand any non-verbal messages that are being sent. Is the person speaking to you upset or calm? Are they frowning or smiling? We will consider written, verbal and non-verbal communication and try to establish what makes someone good at each.

What is Civil Law?

When some people think of the legal profession, they often think of criminal law. This is not surprising, as there are many popular television programmes about criminals and the criminal justice system. Civil law is often less dramatic and very much a part of our normal lives, and so it is often overlooked. However, civil law is a vitally important part of our society, even if people are unaware of how it affects them.

A student with the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs, and any law student for that matter, will soon realise how vast a concept civil law really is. Of the seven ‘pillars’ that make up the English legal system, six of these are devoted to civil law and criminal law accounts for only one lonely pillar.

What is civil law?

Legal Secretary Vacancies February 2017

Here is a selection of vacancies from our Legal Secretary Jobs Board this month:


Full-Time Legal Secretary – JSP Law

Location: St Albans

Salary: Up to £23,000

JSP Law is a young, vibrant and friendly firm specialising in Criminal Defence who are currently seeking a Legal Secretary to join their team. The chosen candidate’s role will consist primarily of audio typing using digital dictation, time recording and dealing with client enquiries.

View the full job description here:


Full-Time Legal Secretary – JSP Law

The Creation of an Online Court System

As part of our regular practice updates, this month we will be considering the latest proposals for expanding ‘e-justice’ in the civil court system. The Civil Justice Council has called for the creation of an online court within the next two years. This would be a radical overhaul of the current UK court system. Key features would include virtual courtrooms, a lawyer-free environment and the possibility of services similar to the eBay disagreement negotiating procedure. The online system would be for claims of up to £25,000, and the idea is backed by Lord Dyson, the master of the rolls, who is head of the civil judiciary in England and Wales.
