Key Steps in Securing a Legal Secretary Job

ILSPA exists to not only provide people with professional qualifications but also to help people secure employment. Our Students and Members can benefit from expert advice on how to go about the job-seeking process, which will ensure that they achieve their goals.

Legal Secretaries are in great demand and are able to earn good salaries. If you have achieved ILSPA’s Legal Secretaries Diploma, you will be very attractive to law firms because you will have a solid knowledge of various areas of law and legal procedures. Job prospects for Legal Secretaries are very good, because the more experience you gain, the higher your position and salary will be. 

Applying for a Job When Your Skills Don't Match the Specification

You’ve seen an advertisement for the job of your dreams, but the candidate specification does not quite match your own professional profile. You are now faced with a dilemma: accept your loss and let the job of your dreams slip away or go for it with everything you’ve got. We here at ILSPA recommend the latter of the two options. Here are our tips to help you make the most of what you have and ensure you give yourself the best possible chance of securing the role.

How Things Stand with the Legal Aid Service

It is an unfortunate fact of life that many people in society are not going to be able to afford the cost of legal instruction when something serious crops up in their life. Be this an accusation of a criminal offence or the threat of homelessness due to a recent illness and not being able to keep up with mortgage payments, it really is imperative that a developed nation such as ours helps people out when they potentially face the worst moments of their lives.

Legal Secretary Vacancies January 2018

Here is a selection of vacancies from our Legal Secretary Jobs Board this month:

Junior Legal Secretary – Owen Reed 
Location: London
Salary: £25,000 – £29,000

Owen Reed is looking to recruit a Junior Legal Secretary to join the Banking team of a top London law firm.

The Junior Legal Secretary will provide effective and high quality secretarial support, through delegation from secretaries and fee earners that appropriately meets fee earner requirements, enabling them to focus on providing legal services to clients. If this sounds like something you would excel at then apply now!

View the full job description here:…;

Why Continual Education Is Important to Your Career

You’ve got the job you’ve been working towards for a long time. The sense of achievement is a great feeling and well deserved. But why stop there?

It can be easy to rest on your laurels, especially once years of study, training and experience have come together to get you where you are. But you should always set yourself new goals, so you have a target and something to work towards. Otherwise, things can become a bit stale and the wrong questions start to be asked.

Self-development is important to all of us, and we can work on this in the workplace. But if you really want to fast-track your career, continuing to educate yourself is key for a number of reasons, and here’s why;.

What Rights Does Common Law Marriage Confer?

If your studies with The Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs are taking you in the direction of family law, you will appreciate the types of rights that are available to couples who are divorcing and looking to divide their assets. However, if the title of this article has you scratching your head at this point, due to the fact that you feel there may be more to family law than was originally covered in your course, read on to find out just how redundant the term “common law marriage” really is in England and Wales.

Where does the term “common law marriage” come from?

The Best Questions to Ask at the End of a Job Interview

During an interview there will almost inevitably come the time when the interviewer poses the inquiry, “So, do you have any questions?” This can be the point when normal interview nerves peak, while your mind starts to race through all of the information it has been presented with during the interview, searching for those magic questions that will make it evident that you are one of the most worthy candidates for the position. Being prepared for this moment by thinking through beforehand different options for suitable questions will help you to answer with confidence and make the best impression.

How to Relieve Stress in the New Year

A few thousand years ago, around the time we learned to cook with fire, human life was quite different. Still, in the 21st century our priorities are much the same, except that if we want something to eat these days, we go to a supermarket and pick it from a shelf. Back in the Stone Age we would sharpen some poles, step into the cold and walk for days until we found a herd of mammoths. If we didn’t get eaten by sabre-toothed tigers along the way, when we eventually found our dinner we would have to slay the giant beast with our sharp sticks and then be burdened with the task of dragging it home. 

How to Make the Most of Your First Working Week of 2018

With the heralding of the New Year, many of us will start to consider the fresh start this brings. Once the excitement of the holidays has eased off, some of us may find it difficult to readjust back into work life. This article aims to help guide you through the first week back at work and make the transition as smooth as possible by applying some useful organisational tips and maintaining your New Year’s enthusiasm. 

Maintain your tranquillity
Hopefully the holidays have left you feeling rested. By maintaining this feeling of calm as you transition back into the office, you will set yourself up to succeed in this first week back. If you work through the suggestions below with a feeling of calm, you are more likely to have a productive and enjoyable first week back.

Government Says No to Marriage Reform

In May last year the Journal reported in an article called “Family Practice: Time for a Change? – No Fault Divorce”, on the Law Commission’s scoping paper “Getting Married”. The Commission’s paper reviewed marriage law in the UK and made several proposals. Despite the paper concluding that the law was badly in need of reform, on 26 October 2017 Justice Minister Dominic Raab wrote to the Commission to say that it was not the right time for a full review of marriage law. Obviously this will be disappointing to those who support the Law Commission’s view that current marriage law is unnecessarily restrictive and outdated. 

The following is a recap on some of the Law Commission’s main findings: